Coastal Thyme | Holistic Skin + Wellness with Dr. Ashley Dumont

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A Holistic Nutrition Guide for a Balanced Menstrual Cycle

Having a healthy, balanced diet focused on foods in their whole forms is important for overall health and wellness. As women, as we cycle through our different menstrual cycle phases, our body’s nutrient requirements subtly change. We can hone in on those changes, and honor our body’s needs depending on where we are in our cycle to provide ourselves with the most optimal nutrition needed during each phase of our menstrual cycle, whether we are trying to conceive, or not!

Keep reading for our holistic nutrition guide for a balanced menstrual cycle.

Nutrition for the Menstrual Phase

The menstrual phase is the first phase of the menstrual cycle and can last anywhere between 3-7 days. This phase is where you are actively bleeding, and the first day of bleeding signifies day 1 of the menstrual phase of the cycle. During this phase, hormones are at its lowest and our body is hard at work shedding our uterine lining. Women may also experience cramping in this phase at varying degrees. Important nutrients like magnesium, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12 become depleted in this phase. Energy is also at its lowest during this phase, so it is important to listen to your body and rest when you need to during this phase of the menstrual cycle.

For nutrition, simple, easy to cook meals are helpful to achieve nourishing meals that don’t require a lot of effort. Warming, hearty stews, soups, slow-cooked or roasted meals are preferred in this phase for their simplicity.

Foods focus on that can alleviate cramping include:

  • Antioxidant-rich, dark berries

  • Anti-inflammatory turmeric and ginger

  • Hormone balancing cruciferous vegetables like kale, broccoli, and cauliflower

  • Hormone happy fats like butter, avocado, and coconut.

Foods that can worsen cramps and should be reduced are:

  • Refined carbohydrates and sugars in white bread, pasta, baked goods, etc.

  • Inflammatory fried food

  • Caffeine

  • Meat from grain-fed animals

  • Alcohol

If you experience cravings for refined carbohydrates in breads, pastas, and chips, try to opt for complex carbohydrate forms of those foods like sweet potatoes. instead of white potatoes.

Balancing meal ideas for the menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • Steak with zucchini noodles

  • Sweet potato, kale, lentil, and beet breakfast hash

  • Roasted beet hummus

  • Butternut squash soup

  • Tofu breakfast tacos

  • Overnight coconut quinoa

  • Dark chocolate, avocado mousse

Nutrition for the Follicular Phase

The follicular phase is the second phase of the menstrual cycle and lasts 7-10 days. This phase of the menstrual cycle is incredibly important, and not discussed enough. In the follicular phase, our body is working on nourishing and growing the healthiest follicle and egg that will be released in the ovulatory phase. It is important to focus on the detoxification processes of our liver and gut microbiome to help get rid of excess estrogen in the body. Reducing external sources of fake estrogens in our environment is also helpful in this phase like reducing toxic personal care products and plastic exposures.

Nutrition for the follicular phase should focus on light, detoxifying foods that are supportive of our liver and gut health like probiotics, prebiotic fiber, leafy vegetables like arugula, and sprouts. This phase of the menstrual cycle is all about eating energizing, vibrant, colorful, and uplifting meals! Your body may be craving more plant-focused meals, but it is also important to get enough protein in this phase to support higher energy and activity levels. During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, it is encouraged to use lighter methods of cooking like sautéing and lightly steaming foods so they can be easily digested by our gut microbiome.

Balancing meal ideas for the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • Arugula salad with chicken and miso dressing

  • Tofu miso soup

  • Chopped vegetable salad with chickpeas and sauerkraut

  • Salmon miso buddha bowls with quinoa

  • Garlic kale chips

  • Adobo tempeh breakfast tacos

  • Coconut yogurt parfait

Nutrition for the Ovulatory Phase

The ovulatory phase is the next phase of our menstrual cycle, and typically occurs around day 14. The ovulatory phase is also known as the fertile window where the fully mature egg is released from the ovary. During the ovulatory phase, our energy and mood are increased, along with self-confidence, so it’s a perfect time to get out there and enjoy all your favorite activities.

Nutrition for the ovulatory phase should be focused on lots of raw or lightly steamed vegetables in the form of large salads or smoothies. Focusing on fiber and the most powerful antioxidant in the body, glutathione is key in this phase of the menstrual cycle along with supporting detoxification pathways. Cruciferous vegetables like brussel sprouts, arugula, and broccoli are high in fiber, great to support our body’s detoxification pathways, and help boost our body’s production of glutathione in the body along with foods high in vitamin C and selenium. Other glutathione-rich foods include avocado, asparagus, and walnuts.

Balancing meal ideas for the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • Avocado green smoothie

  • Salmon salad with avocado, asparagus, walnuts, and a lemon vinaigrette

  • Vegetable roll-ups with collard greens and carrots and a peanut sauce

  • Kale and back bean morning egg scramble

  • Spicy chicken salad

  • Salmon, asparagus, and arugula salad

  • Banana bites with dark chocolate

Nutrition for the Luteal Phase

The luteal phase is the last and longest phase of our menstrual cycle and lasts about 10-14 days. Initially, after ovulation, Progesterone increases, but if the egg was not fertilized, it will decrease and prepare to shed the uterine lining and start another cycle. The decrease in hormones can cause us to feel more fatigued than usual. It is important to listen to our bodies and allow rest during this phase. Discomfort associated with PMS can also occur during this phase, so it is important to eat nourishing foods to help us feel our best during this phase. Focusing on grounding, cozy, whole grains, and complex carbohydrates and fiber is a great way to support nutrition in the luteal phase.

Nutrients to focus on in the luteal phase to help with PMS symptoms:

  • Vitamin B6

  • Magnesium

  • Calcium

Balancing meal ideas for the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • Brown rice and black bean taco bowls

  • Overnight coconut breakfast quinoa with chia seeds

  • Slow-cooked turkey chili

  • Chicken and quinoa buddha bowls

  • Pumpkin seed pesto chickpea noodles

  • Southwest chicken soup

  • Thai soba noodle salad

Although eating healthfully is important for overall wellness, we can continue to nourish our bodies more specifically by focusing on balancing and nourishing meals for every phase of the menstrual cycle.

Are you struggling with hormone imbalances, PCOS, trying to get pregnant, or dealing with post-menopausal symptoms? Do you want more specialized recommendations for nutrition and meal ideas for your menstrual cycle? We can help! Click here to book your free Discovery Call with Dr. Dumont to see how we can help balance your hormones, nourish, and regulate your menstrual cycle naturally!

Dr. Ashley Dumont, ND is a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Portsmouth, NH at Coastal Thyme Holistic Skin + Wellness. She practices naturopathic medicine and specializes in holistic skin health, wellness, and balancing hormones naturally with lifestyle medicine, holistic nutrition, targeted supplementation, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. She is currently accepting new patient visits, and hopes to see you soon!