How Stress Contributes to Acne

Believe me, I know how stressful breakouts can be, and I know the last thing you want to think about while you’re breaking out is how stress is contributing (even causing) your acne, I know, a vicious cycle, but trust me, once you learn the cycle, you can take an active role in stopping it for good! So grab your favorite cozy blanket, sip on some soothing herbal tea, and get ready to learn! We're about to spill the tea on how stress messes with your skin, and—wait for it—how we can help you heal from the inside-out!

  1. Stress Increases Oil Production Leading to Acne: The Shiny Culprit

    Okay, picture this: You're rushing through life, juggling a million things, and out of nowhere, your skin decides to channel its inner disco ball. Thanks, stress! It's like your skin's oil glands have turned on and are in overdrive. But hey, don't fret! We can work with you to bring your skin back to balance from the inside-out and kick that excess oil to the curb!

  2. Stress Increases Cortisol Leading to Acne: The Stress Hormone Hijacker

    Stress has a sneaky accomplice called cortisol (our stress hormone) and together, they love stirring up acne drama. This hormone can be a real troublemaker by increasing other hormones that contribute to acne, but we're not going to let it win! Luckily, we've got many holistic approaches to normalize those pesky cortisol levels to help your skin become, and stay clear!

  3. Stress Increases Inflammation Leading to Acne: The Fiery Sidekick

    Stress and inflammation go hand-in-hand and they love to wreak havoc on your skin. It's like your body is hosting its very own firework show with the red, irritated local inflamed bumps, along with whole-body inflammation fueling the fire. But hey, we've got the ultimate goal of putting out those inflammation flames and have strategies to bring some peace to your skin.

  4. Stress Worsens Blood Sugar Imbalance Leading to Acne: The Sweet Saboteur

    Oh, the blood sugar roller coaster! Stress can hijack your blood sugar levels faster than a kid swiping candy from the Halloween stash. But guess what? We won't leave you stranded on this wild ride. Our holistic approach to acne, including the oh-so-important gut-skin axis, will help us tackle this root cause and restore balance to your sweet (pun intended) complexion.

  5. Stress Contributes to Hormonal Imbalance Leading to Acne: The Hormone Havoc

    Listen up, hormonal imbalances and acne aren’t just related to ladies, guys can experience this increase in testosterone as well leading to unwanted breakouts on the face, chest, and back. Stress and sex hormones can team up to create havoc in your body, manifesting in acne, and leaving your skin like, "What did I do to deserve this?" Don’t you worry! One of our specialties is working through hormonal imbalances to restore harmony in our patient’s bodies and reflected in clear, radiant skin! Say hello to glowing skin and wave goodbye to acne troubles!

  6. Stress Impairs Immune Function Leading to Acne: The Defender Downfall

    Stress can take a toll on your immune system, leaving your skin more vulnerable than a superhero without their powers. But don't worry! We're here to fortify your skin's defenses, nurture your immune system, and ensure your natural beauty shines through like the superhero you are!

My Favorite Stress-Reducing Activities

  • Walks in nature

  • Journaling

  • Sunshine

  • Reading

  • Listening to music

  • Laughter

  • Meditation/ mindfulness

The next time you’re feeling stressed, try to take a step back and remember not to take every moment too seriously. Life is meant to be enjoyed to the fullest and more importantly is supposed to be FUN! Try to remember that the next time you’re feeling stressed, your body, and skin will thank you!

Struggling with Acne? We Can Help You Heal! Schedule Your Free Discovery Call with us Today!

Experience a Natural Approach to Holistic Health: Meet Dr. Ashley Dumont, ND at Coastal Thyme Holistic Skin + Wellness in Portsmouth, NH! As a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Dumont combines the best of functional and personalized medicine with naturopathic and holistic practices to provide individualized care for each patient.

She specializes in holistic dermatology, digestive health, hormonal health, natural fertility support, and offers customized IV nutritional therapy, nutrient injections, and vitamin injections. Dr. Dumont believes in using natural medicine and a holistic approach to promote wellness, and is dedicated to helping you achieve healthy, glowing skin and overall wellness. With her expertise in nutrition and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, she can help you achieve balance and harmony in your body.

If you're ready to experience the benefits of naturopathic medicine, click here to schedule your appointment with Dr. Ashley Dumont at Coastal Thyme Holistic Skin + Wellness in Downtown Portsmouth, NH. New patients are welcome, and she can't wait to help you on your journey to optimal health!


What is the Gut-Skin Axis and how Does it Affect Acne?


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