Coastal Thyme | Holistic Skin + Wellness with Dr. Ashley Dumont

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4 Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

Okay, so if you’re confused about the title, (and thinking, “what do you mean phases of the menstrual cycle”) you’ve come to the right place! As women, we don’t get a lot of education surrounding our menstrual cycle growing up. Most of my patients only start learning about their menstrual cycle when they become an adult and are trying to conceive for the first time! That seems wild, to me!

As women, we should be learning the different phases of our menstrual cycles and how to adapt to them through specific types of movement and nutrition to help balance our hormones and our cycle, naturally.

If you’re ready to learn the specific phases of the menstrual cycle, or just want a refresher- keep reading!

As women, our hormones cycle throughout the month. This cycle is typically around 28 days, but everyone is a little different so some cycles may be a little shorter, and some cycles may be a little longer. Tracking your cycle is important to know what the average length is for you, and to help notice if anything changes month to month.

Throughout these 28 days, our hormones shift between 4 phases of the menstrual cycle: menstrual phase, follicular phase, ovulatory phase, and luteal phase. Keep reading to dive deeper into these 4 menstrual cycle phases!

Menstrual Cycle Phase 1: The Menstrual Phase

The first phase of the menstrual cycle, the menstrual phase, is the one we are probably all most familiar with. This is the phase in the menstrual cycle when you are actively bleeding. In a 28 day cycle, this phase lasts around 5-7 days. The first day that you start your “period” is considered day 1 of your menstrual cycle.

Your hormones in the menstrual phase of the cycle are at its lowest, and it’s actually the dropping levels of estrogen and progesterone that trigger the bleeding. This is extremely helpful when you are tracking your cycle either to prevent or achieve pregnancy.

You may also notice that your energy levels are pretty low during the menstrual phase of your cycle and that is also normal too! Some abdominal cramping (and lose stool) during the first few days of the menstrual phase are common, but if you experience extreme cramping, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or even extreme diarrhea- it is best to seek care from a Naturopathic Doctor, because severe PMS symptoms are not normal and can be addressed.

Menstrual Cycle Phase 2: The Follicular Phase

The second phase of the menstrual cycle is the follicular phase, where our body begins to grow and mature a follicle to release during ovulation. This phase starts right after the menstrual phase. You can start counting the first day of the follicular phase when you are no longer bleeding. This phase of the menstrual cycle lasts about 7-10 days and is around day 6-14 of a 28-day cycle. Our hormones begin to rise again during this phase, and you may notice your energy rising back up again, too! It is common for your skin to look bright and glowy and your libido to increase as your body prepares for ovulation.

Menstrual Cycle Phase 3: The Ovulatory Phase

The third phase of the menstrual cycle is the ovulatory phase, where a mature follicle is released from the ovary. In a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs between day 14-16. Women are their most fertile in this phase, so if you’re trying to get pregnant, this is the best time for trying! You’ll notice that your hormones, energy, mood, and libido will peak during this phase of the menstrual cycle!

Menstrual Cycle Phase 4: The Luteal Phase

The last phase of the menstrual cycle is the luteal phase. The luteal phase lasts about 10-14 days and is around day 15-28 of a 28-day cycle. Our hormones begin to drop again and prepare to shed the uterine lining if the follicle did not become fertilized, and start a new cycle all over again. Hormones, mood, and energy begin to decrease during this phase, and some may notice symptoms of PMS starting.

Are you struggling with hormone imbalances, PCOS, trying to get pregnant, or dealing with post-menopausal symptoms? We can help! Click here to book your free Discovery Call with Dr. Dumont to see how we can help balance your hormones and regulate your menstrual cycle naturally!

Dr. Ashley Dumont, ND is a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Portsmouth, NH at Coastal Thyme Holistic Skin + Wellness. She practices naturopathic medicine and specializes in holistic skin health, wellness, and balancing hormones naturally with lifestyle medicine, holistic nutrition, targeted supplementation, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. She is currently accepting new patient visits, and hopes to see you soon!